Established in 1945, Eric Hood is a respected commercial painting and maintenance company, working with public, private and government sectors across WA. MD Philip Hood offers his advice on how to keep a business sustainable and successful for the long term.
Since my father established it at the end of World War II, our business has been a consistent part of the West Australian landscape for nearly 75 years. In that time, we’ve been part of several historic community projects and have learnt much about how to keep a business sustainable and successful.
Here are the major lessons we’ve learnt over the journey at Eric Hood Painting & Maintenance Services – we hope you can put them to good use in your business as well.
Painting is the finishing trade - it’s the first thing people notice when they walk in a building.
You simply can’t afford to do a bad job, but unfortunately because it’s the last part of a project, its often the thing people skimp on.
While anyone can paint, not anyone can paint well. That’s what we do, and we’ve worked really hard at making sure we excel at it. The same applies to whatever industry you’re in – work hard and establish credibility and excellence, and you’re ahead of the game.
Related reading:
The Top Five myths about being an entrepreneur
Four common blind spots that business leaders should overcome
Tips for small to medium size businesses from an award-winning business woman