Applications for the Northern Territory’s Business Hardship Package have opened as of 1 May, to help businesses that have experienced significant hardship as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Territory businesses can apply to be listed on a central business hardship register.
This registration will enable businesses to apply to receive some financial relief from charges by government, local councils and some utility providers.
Support is available to Territory businesses with a turnover less than $50 million who can demonstrate a reduction of turnover of 30% or more due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Business Hardship Package is available for a period of up to six months form 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020.
More information about how to apply, what support is available, and how applications are assessed can be found at the NT Government’s Business Recovery website here.
Roadmap lays out plan to reopen the Territory
Chief Minister Michael Gunner has also laid out the Territory’s Roadmap to the New Normal – getting the NT back in business and back to work.
Stage one adjustments have commenced from noon 1 May, for simple and safe outdoor activities where physical distancing can be maintained at all times.
This includes:
• Personal gatherings including outdoor weddings and funerals.
• Playgrounds, parks and campgrounds outside biosecurity areas.
• Public swimming pools, lagoons and water parks.
• Outdoor sports where physical distancing can be maintained including golf and tennis as well as training outdoors.
• Go fishing, boating, and sailing with other people.
This also includes allowing real estate open house inspections and auctions, and gatherings in homes.
From noon, Friday 15 May, Stage two activities can commence, including safer indoor activities for less than two hours, such as:
• Shopping centre food courts.
• Restaurants, cafes, and bars for the consumption of food – excluding gaming areas.
• Organised outdoor training activities for sport teams without physical contact.
• Beauty therapy salons for non-facial services such as nails, massage and tanning.
• Gymnasiums.
• Public libraries.
• Places used for religious worship – including indoor weddings and funerals.
Venues will be required to complete a simple COVID-19 safety plan checklist to ensure they are operating within physically distancing and hygiene guidelines. This will be made available from 5 May.
This will not create a new approvals process or red tape. Businesses will be able to complete and submit the simple checklist prior to opening, with health officers making subsequent compliance checks.
From noon, Friday 5 June, the two-hour time limit will be removed and restrictions will be eased on further indoor activities, including:
• Officiating, participating and supporting the playing of team sports such as football, basketball, soccer and netball
• TABs, and all licensed gaming venues.
• Any cinema or theatre, concert hall, music hall, dance hall, nightclub or any other similar entertainment venue in approved configuration.
• Previously restricted services at a place that provides beauty therapy, and/or cosmetic services including facial care.
• All businesses, facilities and services previously restricted can now resume ensuring adherence to key principles.
By 5 June all Territory businesses, services, facilities and organisations should have their own COVID-19 Safety Plan.
Further information on these plans can be found here.
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