Can I order my employees to return to the workplace?
With the pandemic exposing employees to working from home, many employees are now hesitant to return to the office. With many businesses keen to get their staff back into the office to support staff development, culture or productivity, employers may be wondering whether they can order their...
Can employees on maximum term contracts file for an unfair dismissal claim?
Rolf Howard, Managing Partner, Owen Hodge Lawyers explores how the law treats unfair dismissal claims for employees on a contract with an end date and what employers need to know.
Did you know that executives who earn above a certain income may not have access to unfair dismissal remedies under the Fair Work Act? Employment Lawyer at Owen Hodge Lawyers, Pooja Kapur, looks at the options for executives to ensure they're covered.
Casual employment to be redefined under the Fair Work Act
As the Government takes steps to redefine casual employment in the Fair Work Act, Rolf Howard, Managing Partner, Owen Hodge Lawyers, discusses how this will impact employers and what they can expect.
COVID-19 work-from-home policies could cause a surge in costly stress claims and injury cases, says employment law expert Richard Gunningham of Batch Mewing Lawyers.