Rolf Howard, Managing Partner, Owen Hodge Lawyers discusses what may need to be disclosed in a disclosure letter during a business sale to ensure the buyer is fully informed and the seller is protected against future claims.
In business transactions involving share sales, or the sale of business assets, buyers will undoubtedly carry out due diligence: a process of investigation to determine the worthiness and value of the potential purchase target.
It may be, however, that there are less tangible but equally important aspects that the accounts and customer records do not readily reveal: there may be unfinished business with a disgruntled major client who is planning legal action, or perhaps a forthcoming employee pay negotiation that may have a major impact on the business. The potential list is endless, but the seller may avoid significant later warranty claims by the buyer if such things are fully and clearly disclosed at the time of negotiation and sale.
Disclosed: Fully, clearly, accurately
While the seller may cover themselves from future claims by fully and clearly disclosing all unfinished business matters, it is also true that making all such things fully visible may reduce the value of the business and provide the buyer with ammunition that will assist them to potentially negotiate the sale price down. Such is the nature of the beast, but to hide information may prove to be even more costly eventually.
Some sellers may choose to provide full and proper disclosure, but do so in language and style that defies understanding. One such attempt from a case some years ago caused the court to comment that the disclosure letter was: ‘distinguished by the obscurity of its language.’
If in doubt
It is important that sale agreements fully describe the detail of the specific disclosure. Including a phrase such as ‘fairly disclosed’ will not necessarily hold up, and your commercial law specialist should be consulted.
Sellers should not assume that some issues do not need to be fully disclosed, or that the further effects of a matter will be obvious to the buyer. All matters of even the slightest concern should be raised, and if in doubt, included. Buyers are not mind-readers, and a less-than-complete disclosure letter leaves the seller open to future warranty claims.
A disclosure letter should be drawn up by lawyers and, with all supporting documentation attached, included with the sale agreement.
Disclosure letters have a predictable flow:
Disclosure letters, along with supporting documentation, are a crucial element in the completion of a successful business transaction that is satisfactory for both seller and buyer.