Major Changes to Fixed-Term Contract Laws: What You Need to Know
As of December 6th, 2023, new legislation has significantly impacted the use of fixed-term contracts (FTC) and maximum-term contracts in Australia. These changes aim to provide greater security and stability for employees, particularly those who have been engaged on a series of consecutive...
Enterprise Agreements can be a great way to ensure that employees and employers are protected, without the added complexity of awards. Rolf Howard, Managing Partner at Owen Hodge Lawyers, discusses what employers and employees need to know.
To what extent is an employer responsible for an employee’s mental health?
Under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in Australia, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a legal obligation to manage what are known as ‘psychosocial risks’ that could affect an employee's mental health. So, where does this responsibility begin and end? Rolf Howard,...
Selling your business? Here’s what happens after the sale terms are agreed
The sale of a business involves several steps after the basic sale terms are agreed between the seller and the buyer. Rolf examines these steps, guiding would-be sellers and buyers on what to consider.
Can employees on maximum term contracts file for an unfair dismissal claim?
Rolf Howard, Managing Partner, Owen Hodge Lawyers explores how the law treats unfair dismissal claims for employees on a contract with an end date and what employers need to know.
Questions to ask when selling or buying a business
Rolf Howard, Managing Partner at Owen Hodge Lawyers, explores what to include in the agreement, what should be covered in due diligence and other factors to consider during a business sale or purchase.
Is it legal to include a ‘pay secrecy’ clause in my employment contracts?
Employers may also choose to insert a clause that prohibits an employee from discussing their remuneration. Such clauses are often referred to as pay secrecy clauses, and they are perfectly legal in Australia. Rolf discusses the benefits and pitfalls of the clause and whether you should leverage...
Commercial leases need to cover all reasonably foreseeable circumstances and can therefore become somewhat complex. Nevertheless, difficulties do arise. Rolf Howard, Managing Partner at Owen Hodge Lawyers, discusses what can occur in the case of disputes.
Rolf Howard, Managing Partner, Owen Hodge Lawyers discusses what may need to be disclosed in a disclosure letter during a business sale to ensure the buyer is fully informed and the seller is protected against future claims.